SOUND. ADVICE. HUSH by Quell is a patented acoustical baffling system, specifically designed for hard surface environments, such as restaurants, gymnasiums, open-deck offices, and warehouse spaces. Made of fire-retardant felt, this tested material absorbs reflective sounds and reduced echoes for a more pleasant, productive work and play environment. This lightweight system is cost-effective, easy to order, simple to assemble and install, and is guaranteed for 5 years. Assembly and installation on ceilings and walls can be done in minutes, using a systems of chains, magnets, and wire-rods...which makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze as well. HUSH by Quell Acoustic Baffling System is available in two (2) standard colors, black or gray, and will be available in custom colors. The standard sizes are 24x24x13 and 24x48x13, and will be available in custom sizes.
Restaurants, Gymnasiums, Open-Deck Offices, Warehouse Spaces, and more.
Need a noise-reduction solution?
Contact us for pricing or fill out our order form.
Hush Product Brochure PDF
Quell Fire Retardant Testing PDF
Hush Sound Absorption Testing XLS
HUSH 244813
HUSH 244813
Our light-weight systems are very cost-effective, easy to order, simple assemble and to install. Quell offers several ways to install on ceilings and walls using a system of chains with magnets or wire rods, and it is guaranteed for 5 years. If you have a noisy hard-surface environment, we can quick-ship and Quell it.